
DAY Events, founded in 2011, gives service with its board of idealist professional directors, peculiar style and continuously rising quality. As the years pass by, some of the services evolved into some sub-brands but at the end, they all have the same structure working with same perspective.

DAY Events has adopted it as a principle to create the excellent one with passion and to be the architectures of notable organizations beyond expectations. Having performed many successful organizations with the leading companies in their sector within a short period of time, DAY Events continues to their operations in a sense of boutique service as on their first day.

 DAY Events provides service within a wide range including domestic and international accommodation, transfer services, dealers and motivation meetings, product launches, organizational services, gala and entertainment organizations, etc. Moreover, with its first sub-brand founded in 2012 Big DAY Planners wedding departments DAY Events have also established a successful presence within this field by holding spectacular and outstanding organizations and later on, with its other sub-brands, DAY Vip Transfer & Blue Phoenix Travel DAY Events sign under many successes…

 DAY Events have many of the decoration, ornamentation, sound and lighting equipment that are used in the organizations at their own company. Accordingly, they provide all their customers with the quality and price advantage of offering the equipment and materials at first hand.